‘Everyone’s journey is different’

‘Everyone’s journey is different’


A huge session with a beautiful soul last week reminded me yet again of how we are all on our own journey and that shifts will only happen when we are ready for them and not before!

I regularly tell clients that ‘everyone’s journey is different’.  What I mean when I say this is that your current life situation, emotional status and previous experiences are not the same as any other person. So although a session e.g. Session 1, may contain the same specific steps for each client, how each of you experience it will be different. There may be variances in how long each step of the session takes, how you feel and respond during the session and how you react afterwards. No two people or two sessions are ever identical.

This may mean that while one person may experience huge emotional shifts during their 12 weeks, often resulting in big life changes (changes in friendships, relationships, jobs, location etc.) someone else may experience an increased sense of calm and balance rather than a big ‘rollercoaster ride’. Alternatively, while one person may have their biggest ‘shift’ in session one, another may experience stronger changes and growth well into the next 9-12 months after they finish their 12 sessions as was the case with the client I mentioned.

One thing I have learnt from my own personal  journey, is that the journey is most enjoyable when we let go of controlling the outcome and simply trust that we are getting exactly what we need in that moment and that we will ultimately end up exactly where we are meant to be ❤